代写Robotics 41013作业、代做Matlab实验作业、Matlab编程作业调试
3) The three parts must be put together as shown in Fig 1, i.e. housing top / bottom and the circuit board.The actual transform of the three parts will be given on the day of submission (for testing purposes youshould set the locations to be random within some bounds). Assume that once the robot end-effectormoves to the given part location it automatically and successfully grasps the part. You will need todemonstrate the following steps in the assembly:a) Determine a pose that can pick up each of the parts;b) Simulate the robot movement in a smooth joint-position controlled motion between the starting poseand the first two pickup tasks: pick up the top of the housing, and circuit board;c) Simulate moving the arms together so as to place the circuit board into the top of the housing;d) Determine a pose to grasp the bottom of the shell with the hand that was holding the circuit board;e) Simulate bringing the parts together, without colliding so as to complete the assembly;f) Determine a pose, and simulated path so as to drop the completely assembled part off into anotherbox in front of the two robots.4) Complete safety prerequisites before the demo day to unlock real robot use. Control one (or both) of thereal UR3 robot’s movements through the planned task trajectory via Matlab’s ROS interface. Perquisitesand evidence of real-world use (i.e. videos, early live demos) will still receive partial marks.5) Submit a zip file of your code to UTSOnline which will be checked for originality and marked against thegiven code standards. Note: including unnecessary files such as the Robotics Toolbox will be penalised.6) Submit a 5-10 page (approx. 2000 words) report to UTSOnline in which you:a) Design the workspace (with the aid of figures) so that someone else can install the two robots andinclude details about where the boxes of loose parts should be placed;b) Include considerations of safety in terms of a basic risk assessment that identifies hazards and theirlikelihood of occurrence, and Safe Work Method Statement.c) Reflect upon why a UR3 is a good choice, whilst also investigating what sort of limitations you expect toencounter with the use of this robot;d) Reflect upon the usage of Matlab and the robotics toolboxe) Reflect upon the likely precision required, and thoughts about how you would go about controlling therobot;f) Reflect upon the likely challenges of sensing and grasping that you have been allowed to assume aresolved problemsg) Reflect upon the safety of the movement of the robots, such as considering if they may collide witheach other or objects in the environment.h) Include an adequate reference listExtension Bonus Questions:You may wish to attempt these bonus questions for additional marks. These questions are challenging, andsupport is limited, but they will your demonstration impressive, your debugging easier, and enhance yourunderstanding. Some questions are marked in the demonstration (D) and others in the report (R).D1) Investigate Matlab’s “GUIDE “to input a transform for the base of the arms, and the location of the threeparts and the drop off location.D2) Given a ROS '.bag' file of a real robot moving, playback the .bag file and demonstrate your simulated robotmovements match the movements from the video of the real robot.D3) Incorporate a sensor (e.g. camera, e-Stop, limit switch) via ROS that passes data into your Matlab system.You may like to use your SBC (e.g. Raspberry Pi) or an Arduino.R1) Use Matlab’s “profile” tool to investigate which functions consume most of the time. Reflect briefly (in thereport) on alternative methods to improve computational efficiency.R2) Determine and report on the optimal base location of the two robots so that the task can be completed,either by brute force or optimisation.R3) Given the part models, select an appropriate gripper1 and discuss with the use of diagrams the ideal wayto grasp the objects.1 https://www.universal-robots.com/plus/end-effectors/#/01011111111111111111
Marking Scheme:The assignment is worth 20% of the subject. The assignment will be marked out of 100, attempting theextension bonus questions is encouraged but not compulsory, and the highest mark that can be received isstill 100 (i.e. 20% for the subject).General Task Description Mark When?Given an end effector pose determine a joint state 7DemoMove robot to required joint states and demonstrate that the joint states satisfy thegiven pose7Demonstrate at least 1 real UR3 robot(s) completing above poses safely 7Simulate parts and environment around the robot 12Simulated robot model: realistic (7) or simple shape (3) or stick (1) 7Display and log transforms and status during task completion 5Calculate and plot workspace radius & volume 5Incorporate and consider safety in your demonstration 5Incorporate and consider safety in your design, code and report 5ReportCode aesthetics: Comments & neatness 5Code aesthetics: Compliance to code standard provided 5Code structure: mainly use classes (5) or functions (2) or scripts (0) 5Report on the design and reflect upon the process 10Effectively communicate the required task information 10Marking self and another demo (mark based on distance to mean) 5Total (55 in Demo & 45 in Report) 100Demo Bonus (3 marks each): (#1) GUI, (#2) Playback ROS bag, (#3) Incorporate sensor 9 DemoReport Bonus (3 marks each): (#1) Profile tool analysis, (#2) Optimise base, (#3) Gripper 9 ReportTotal Bonus (Bonus tasks worth 3 marks each (6 x 3)) 18Total max marks = min(Total + Bonus,100) max =因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱: